Saturday, May 20, 2006

The Abs workout (Abdominals)

Getting a good abs workout can be done almost anywhere, at any time.
There is no need for all this fancy gym equipment, strapping you into
machines and pulling you this way and that. All you really need is a level
floor. However, both floor and machine workouts will be taken into
Ensure you are focused and warmed up before you start any exercise.
Also when doing floor work be sure to use a training mat for lower back
support, working out on a hard floor can damage your back.

Basic Crunches: Lay on the floor with your knees raised a little, place
your hands by your sides or behind your head, whatever feels
comfortable. Now using your shoulders to lift your body off the floor
toward your knees, start slowly, feel the abs tense as you come forward
and back. There is no repetition limit here, so keep going until you fail. Do
this exercise for 3-4 sets to failure; this should be a good start.

Crunch Twist: If you would like to ad a twist to your crunches, you can
enhance the basic crunch by, holding your hands behind your head with
your elbows out. During the upstroke move your right elbow across to you
left knee for 10 strokes, then across to the opposite knee with the left
elbow another 10. After the 10 resume to basic crunches position for
another 10, then repeat. Continue with the 3-4 set to failure with this

Leg Raises: Start by lying flat on the floor, with your hands behind your
head, then slowly lift your legs to about 8 inches from the floor and hold
for 20 seconds. After the 20 seconds has elapsed, move your legs up
another 8 inches and hold for another 20 seconds. The final step is to
move your legs up once more to 45 degrees from the floor, for another 20
seconds, then rest. Repeat this exercise 3-4 times.

Plank: Lie face down on mat resting on the forearms; place the side of
your hands on the floor in a fist shape. Push off the floor, raising your
body onto your toes resting on the forearm and elbows. Keep your back
flat (like a plank), in a straight line from head to feet. Tilt your pelvis and
contract your abdominals to prevent your buttocks from sticking up in the
air. Hold for 60 seconds, and repeat for 3-4 sets.
If you are in the gym, using the crunch bench with the crunch techniques
explained above is great, you will have excellent abs in no time.
Remember to keep going to failure, this technique really does help the abs
grow and tone in no time at all.

Crunch Machine: The crunch machine gives the same effect as the
crunch bench; however you can add your own weights to it. Always
remember when lifting weights, not to over do it. Place a weight on the
crunch machine that you can lift comfortably. 20 repetitions should do it,
now increase the weight a little. Attempt another set of reps, immediately
after the weight increase. This time keep going to failure. After the first
set to failure increase the weight again, by this time you should be feeling
the burn. Repeat this process for 3-4 set after the initial 20 set warm up.

Leg Raise Apparatus: Assume the leg raise position on the leg raise
frame. Start by slowly lifting your knees to your chest; once again repeat
this process to failure. Repeat the knee raises for 3-4 sets. Enhance the
workout by slowly lifting the legs up in an arcing motion without bending
the knee and slowly lowering. Once again repeat this process to failure for
3-4 sets. You can also mix the two leg raise techniques together, by first
starting with the knee raise for a warm up set. Them moving into the leg
raise to get the burning sensation.
Working on your abs can be done any time, try to do an abs workout
before every training session. Combine all the techniques you have
learned above and amazing abs will be knocking on the door of your
stomach very shortly.

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